Wisdom teeth removal in Hawkesbury

Wisdom Teeth Removal in Hawkesbury – What to Expect

As people grow older, the third molars, also called the wisdom teeth, start emerging. There are four of them with two at the top and two at the bottom. These teeth start sprouting when you are seventeen years old to about twenty-one. 

As they emerge, they sometimes cause pain or discomfort that can be unbearable. The best way to deal with the pain may be to get them removed. Wisdom teeth removal in Hawkesbury is a common surgery performed by experienced dentists. 

Are you planning to have your wisdom teeth removed? This post looks at what you can expect during and after the procedure. You should note that it can take about a week to recover, and you may experience a bit of bruising at the spots.

What to Expect on the Day of the Surgery

Wisdom teeth removal is performed as an outpatient procedure. That means you can go home after the surgery on the same day. You can decide whether to be sedated or get local anesthesia. 

Remember that if you opt for general anesthesia, it may take longer for you to wake up. Usually, you will be taken to the recovery room after your surgery if you choose general anesthesia. 

You should ask your dentist to know the type of sedation they will administer to you before your wisdom teeth removal. Also, make sure you trust the dentist that will perform the procedure as this can affect your overall experience during the minor surgery.

What Happens After the Surgery?

When you wake up after the procedure, it will take a little while before you start feeling sensations around your mouth. This is normal and you may feel a little swelling and pain after the procedure. 

It is recommended that you get an ice pack and apply it to your face intermittently when you wake up. This will help reduce the swelling and pain. Your dentist will give you instructions on your medications and may also prescribe some over-the-counter painkillers for the pain. 

When you are alert and strong enough, you can leave the clinic for home. It is not recommended that you drive after the procedure, especially if you take general anesthesia. Therefore, make sure you arrange for a car to pick you up after the procedure.

What to Expect During Recovery

It takes about three to four days to fully recover and heal after your wisdom teeth removal in Hawkesbury. It may take longer if your teeth were at a more awkward angle or more difficult to remove. 

While you may recover within days, it may take months for the wound in your mouth to completely heal. Therefore, you should watch out for signs of infection. Usually, you should be able to return to normal activities the day after the procedure. 

However, you should avoid any energetic exercise for a while. You should also avoid spitting or smoking until you heal. If you experience a lot of pain or you are bleeding a lot, you should get in touch with your dentist immediately.

Tips for Wisdom Teeth Removal in Hawkesbury

Stock up your kitchen with Appropriate Food

Following your wisdom teeth removal in Hawkesbury, you should only eat cold and soft food because your wound would still be open and fresh. Chewing during this period will not be easy, and hot food will also feel uncomfortable. Therefore, stock up your kitchen with the right food before your procedure.

Rest Well to Recover

Wisdom teeth removal in Hawkesbury will take its toll on your mouth and gum. Your body needs time to heal and recover from the wound. Therefore, it is recommended that you rest to allow the recovery process to take place.

Finally, follow your dentist’s instructions. Make sure you read the instructions for your medications and adhere to everything your doctor tells you to do.

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