smoking pipe

A Guide To Using A Smoking Pipe

No better way to consume tobacco than using a smoking pipe. But, the essence is lost if you don’t know how to effectively use one. It’s like an unloaded gun in the hand of a newbie with the cartridge lying on the table. It’s useless!

Most people use it in a club because of the party frenzy or because they have watched someone elderly in their lives smoke it while sipping a cup of whiskey or vodka.

Regardless of whatever reasons you come up with for using a smoking pipe, this article will guide you on how to use it.

Before we discuss how you use a smoking pipe, let’s discuss the materials you need for smoking.

Your choicest pipe

There is a gazillion pipe in the marketplace ranging from the popularized standard corncob pipe to the common wooden pipes and even the specially carved ones that are a complete work of art. Which do you choose? That’s left to your discretion.

Pipe lighters

You can use wooden matches in place of pipe lighters as they are more convenient to use especially if you want to create a flame in your pipe’s bowl.

Tube Tamper

You use this instrument to load your bowl or to make the overall appearance more visually appealing.

Pipe cleaner

It’s obvious that with consistent use, your smoking pipe may get dirtier and clogged. You will need a pipe cleaner to clean the pipe and clear the clog.


After your pipe, this is probably the second most important ingredient in a smoker’s box.

With time, you will discover what tobacco suits your need best or what method works best with different smoking pipes and tobacco.

That being said, let’s discuss how Joe can use a smoking pipe.


Below are the steps to follow;

Fill the bowl

Put just a loose pinch of tobacco in the bowl. Using a tamper, gently press the bowl down. When you do this, expect the bowl to be at least halfway full.

As you continuously add more pinches of topping, keep pressing it down, at least once.

This time around, expect the bowl to be two-thirds full.

Add one more pinch of tobacco and tamp it; a small gap should exist at the top of the bowl.

Test draw

The next step is to test your smoking pipe by puffing at it before lighting it. This is just to ensure there is easy airflow.

Light the pipe

Now, everything is set. It’s time to light up your pipe. You can use a pipe lighter or a match.

After you must have ignited the match, wait for a brief moment for the sulfur to burn out.

Puff at the smoking pipe gently while you move the flame in a sort of circular motion of the bowl.


This time around, puff but don’t inhale.

One major reason why a pipe is better than a cigarette is that the smoke from the cigarette goes directly to your lungs.

In summary, the whole essence of using a pipe is for its flavor rather than the smoke.

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