maryborough dental practice

Tele dentistry In Maryborough Dental Practice

The dental sector is a whole world on its own. As times change, several upgrades have been made to meet the technological advancements of the digital era. The dental practice isn’t left out as it now operates using telecommunication tools. 

Teledentistry, as the name implies, combines telecommunication and dentistry in dental practice. It entails communicating dental information within a remote area for dental consultation and planning treatment procedures. It has come a long way in dental practice since 1989 when it was initially drafted as part of a blueprint about dental informatics.

This article aims to show the growth and advancement of Maryborough dental practice through teledentistry. We’d be delving into the advantages and disadvantages it has on dental practice in modern society.

Advantages Of Teledentistry To Dental Practice. 

There are numerous advantages of this new and refined procedure to dental practices, and some of them include 

  • Easier Health Care Access: This creates more accessible access to dental care for people who can’t find a suitable time to go to dental clinics. During cases of dental emergencies, they’ve proven to be very beneficial. 
  • Regular Checkup Hours: Dentists typically impose dental checkups to be done every six months. However, with this current practice, they can now be done regularly. You don’t have to worry about the missing appointments because you can now do it in the comfort of your home. 
  • Reduces Costs: It’s cost-effective; the money saved from transportation and time spent on the appointment would drastically decrease. Some dentists who don’t have the materials to provide quality care can offer similar care through teledentistry, which will benefit both the client and the dentist. 
  • Clinical Safety And Efficiency: These enable critical cases to be arranged efficiently. It guarantees the dentist’s safety from infections through infection control practices, especially since covid. Since covid, there’s been a rise in the accessibility and use of this technology in Maryborough dental practice. 
  • Reduced Anxiety: People who fear going to hospitals or dental clinics now have it more accessible. Their worries are reduced to null as they can now run their checkups, consultation, and treatments from their home’s comfort. 

Easier Referral Options: Unlike traditional dental care and referral options with a series of procedures, this system enables you to get faster inter-professional opinions from other practitioners in the field. A referral is made more accessible, and a productive outcome is achieved faster. 


As much as the advantages of this digital practice precede its disadvantages, we’d still like to look at a few of these cons. 

  • Expensive: These devices and equipment costs are not on the low side. Most dentists can’t afford them, a significant challenge to dental practice. 
  • Requisition Of Specialised Training: The telecommunication procedure would require that dentists seek an upgrade in their training. Formally, the activity of dentists doesn’t cover the telecommunications aspect. 
  • Fluctuation Of the Internet: The strength of the internet can’t be trusted. This could lead to several interruptions that’ll interfere with consultation sessions. 


In general, the Maryborough dental practice would go a long way with implementing these telecommunication materials in dental organizations. The perks greatly outweigh the cons, as people already benefited from this service would testify.

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